The Matador Company is a well established, specialist design and manufacturing Company supplying high quality windscreen wiper and washer systems for passenger transport and specialist automotive vehicles.
Matador® was founded in 1984 as the UK distributor for a Spanish company, SA Masats, a manufacturer of both pneumatic and electrically operated power door systems for buses and coaches. This connection contributed to the origins of the Company name and logo.
Within three months of its inception, the Company was contacted by British Rail in Derby to assist in liaison with Sprague Devices Inc, a leading US manufacturer of pneumatic wiper systems for a global market. This developed quickly into a significant trading relationship covering OEM customers, primarily in the UK. Shortly thereafter, Matador® was also approached by Williams Controls Inc, a leading US manufacturer of pneumatic and electronic throttle systems to become their European distributor.
This relationship also developed into a significant trading activity covering OEM customers across Europe and in the UK. The business opportunities created by the association with both Williams and Sprague diverted the Company’s attention away from the original business with Masats, leading eventually to a decision to focus on the wiper business and terminate this distributor relationship, a decision that coincided with Masats being acquired by a German company, Boda GmbH.

In April 1991, Matador® acquired all of the rights to the heavy-duty range of pneumatic windscreen wiper products produced by the Trico, another US company and a competitor of Sprague, including tools, designs, customer contracts, and supplier carry over. This business formed the basis for Matador® expanding into becoming a self-sufficient design and manufacturing supplier to the rail, bus and coach, industrial vehicle and specialist car manufacturers. It also brought about a reduction in the need for the import of product from Sprague in the US.
Over the years, Matador® continued to supply windscreen wiper and washer systems to the rail industry, but anticipating a slump at the time of privatisation, the decision was taken to broaden the Company's product offering, firstly to the bus & coach industry and then to niche car manufacturers.
The move into the bus and coach market was facilitated by pre-existing relationships with several bus companies doing after-market re-engineering and re-manufacture of wiper and washer systems. At a time when OEM suppliers were being openly criticised for the low standard of their manufacture, Matador® was able to introduce new, high quality products based on existing train system designs. Increasing volumes generated by the quality of the products and the Company's reputation enabled a successful profitable business to be built.
Today, Matador® has become a highly respected, quality OEM source for windscreen wiper and washer systems and is rapidly expanding with major manufacturers all over the world.
Our mission is...
To become the global supplier of choice for the bespoke design of windscreen wiper and washer systems to the small to medium size vehicle manufacturers

For more details on how we can help you, please get in touch today!
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